Repair Industry Links

Product life extension is a main feature of the circular economy and repairing items is a strategy to keep products in use for longer. The repair movement is growing and becoming more mainstream. The Right-to-Repair aims to ensure there is adequate government regulation so manufacturers design products with repairability in mind.  

The agricultural industry is particularly vulnerable to farm equipment breaking down, with farmers finding themselves legally barred from fixing their own machinery. In the US, most of the progress toward right-to-repair has involved consumer devices, but luckily, some states are expanding right-to-repair to farm equipment, too. In the EU, the Commission’s Right to Repair proposal would enable EU consumers to repair faulty products even post-warranty, making repair an appealing option. Essential information such as projected repair cost, time frame, and availability of interim replacement products will be easily accessible.


US Source: ‘Why The Right To Repair Agricultural Equipment is Crucial To Food Security‘ by Danielle Nierenberg, President of 

EU Source: ‘How the EU’s Right to Repair Proposal Will Change the Tech Sector‘, by Minoas Vitalis, EU Policy Researcher, FiscalNote EU Issue Tracker, published 07 September 2023

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