Social Entrepreneurs

Enterprises are usually classified according to two criteria: ownership (public or private) and objectives (for-profit or not-for-profit). According to the traditional two-dimensional typologies of enterprises based on ownership and objectives, social enterprises are characterized as private, not-for-profit enterprises. 

Social enterprise refers to non-profits that operate businesses to raise revenue and further enhance the social missions of their organizations. Broadly defined as using nongovernmental, market-based approaches to address social issues, social enterprises often provide a ‘‘business’’ source of revenue for many types of socially oriented organizations (such as NPOs: Non-Profit-Organizations) and activities. In many cases, this revenue contributes to the self-sufficiency and long-term sustainability of organizations involved in charitable activities.

(Source: “The Sharing Economy: Business Cases of Social Entreprises Using Collaborative Networks” by Tae Hyup Roh, Department of Business and Management, Duksung Women’s University, 2016)

Knowledge Centre

This section covers a small amount of information on a number of different topics, such as fundraising & sponsorships, hybrid business models, social enterprise businesses, shared values, social entrepreneurs, social responsibility and a few images.


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